Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Doug's Visit May 2007

It's a good thing that not all superheroes wear spandex. Mine would all look pretty silly in it! In fact, that's a thought that I'm just going to need to block from my imagination right now - I suggest you do the same!

Ever since I was a little girl Doug has been tops on my superhero list. He can fix anything from bad moods to broken stuff. When I was a kid he'd carry me to bed after Wonderful World of Disney was over, even though I suspect he knew I was only faking being asleep. He was patient with me through bad dreams, barf clean ups, and my incesant talking and singing in the car (though he did attempt to bribe me to shut up). No girl ever had a better little (big) brother.

Even though I'm all grown up now (and then some) I still think of Doug as one of the few somebodies in this world who would love me and believe in me no matter what. So, I was very excited to have him visit us. We hung out, had some family dinners, he did puzzles with Danae, Ooo'ed and Ahh'ed over Deby's cutie brood, and looked around town and on into the "nothing" that surrounds Bend. Mark was lucky to have someone to show his woodshop off to who would
really appreciate its wonderful coolness and obsession potential.

We all got our "Doug fix" and then, off he flew, out of our presence and into the smoggy "something" that surrounds the ant hill (literally and figuratively) that is Vista. We miss him! In fact, when Danae was in trouble a couple of days ago she started whining, "I want Doug." I find myself whining the same thing on the inside.

1 comment:

Laura and the family said...

Count me in loving you and your family! OXOX